on the borderland, I know now, is a halfway house, a torminal.
I didn't ask to be bisexual. I would much prefer, if the truth were told, to be one thing or the other; and at my present stage of the game I wouldn't much care which it was. My truest emotional level lies in the need I havo or soem to have for other women. Yot I sometimes tell myself that if my present frustrating marriage ties wore severed, if I were free to marry a man nearer my own ago who could fill my life with routine naeds and children, I might still be able to put homo sexuality behind me forever.
Even as I say this, I know it is false. If I were, with one savage effort and with anguish nover to be measured, to sever all my ties in the world of women to resolve severely never again to be more than casually friendly with another woman I should be d ther a hypocrite or a madwoman.
Our society will either force an irrevocable choice on me, or it will destroy me. Right now I neither know nor care which. I stand squarely at the crossroads, and the traffic is hell.
Miriam Gardner
According to VARIETY (August 10, 1960), "Blood and Roses," acquired for release by Paramount, has been taken off the distribution schedule for the time being without oxplanation. There are grounds for belief that censorship consideration might be involved, since the film concerns itself in part with Le sbi an which is contrary to MPAA Production Code rules ane nt sex perversion.
Also of interest is the note by Mike Connolly in the August 23, 1960 issue of THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER, "George Cukor will produce and direct George Axelrod's 'Goodbye, Charlio' with Marilyn Monroe as the man reincarnated as a woman.